Purchasing from guild traders is often an unreliable source as merchants prefer to use their precious stall space (selling item limit) on more profitable items. Purchasing Merchants, Trading Guilds, and Adventure often have what you need (for a price).Ī provisioner can purchase ingredients from two sources: a guild trader or a grocer. The following list summarizes the common sources of ingredients in Tamriel
“Where is Red Meat?”, “Where is Garlic?”, “Where is White Meat?”, and similar questions could be a questions of the past.
This guide book provide tips and tricks on how to locate larger quantities of provisioning ingredients. I thought to myself, “there’s an opportunity to write a guide on how to find your own ingredients”. I overheard a heated argument by the grocer and customer complaining about the high prices of ingredients. The Wayrest market was bustling with activity as I took in the sights of the city before heading back on the road.
ESO Uncommon and Rare Fish Guide for Master Angler Wannabes.Alchemy Reagents, Solvents, and Recipes.